12th January: Yesterday was a bright and sunlit like a May day in north Europe. Overnight, cold, wet and wind have taken over. Violence against women is in the news again. This time perpetrator and victim are described as elderly. The husband stabbed his wife in the throat while she was helpless in bed. She... Continue Reading →
25/003 Irish Music in Northern Greece
28th January. Because of the extra material, we did our pre-Christmas gig in three 45-minute sections. This gave the band two 15-minute breaks. It worked well. Our latest gig was two days ago. We reverted to two halves. It went well though, on reflection, I think 3 x 45-minute sections is better overall as it... Continue Reading →
25/003 Greek Word – πατσούρης – a person who has let himself or herself go
An insult. Babiniotis lists the feminine form, πατσούρα, as the headword, and states the following: χαρακτηρισμός για συνήθως γυναίκα μεγάλης ηλικίας με γερασμένο και χαλαρό δέρμα και ατημέλητη. Επίσης πατσούρω έγινα πατσούρα από τη βροχή – my skin shrivelled up in the rain In www.slang.gr πατσούρω is even harsher as it adds ‘ugly’ to the definition. Ιδίωμα... Continue Reading →
25/002 Greek Word – γαλλικά = swearing
When you are about to drop or have just dropped an “F Bomb” in polite company, it is not unusual to excuse yourself by saying, “Excuse my French.” In much the same way in Greek, τα γαλλικά is a foul-mouthed tirade. Babiniotis: βρισιές: “ο ποδοσφαιριστής σε έξαλλη κατάσταση άρχισε τα Γαλλικά προς τον διαιτητή” =... Continue Reading →
25/002 Irish Music in Northern Greece
12th January. Will today be SGZ Day, Session Ground Zero Day? It is very cold, very wet and very windy. I sent a text to rally the troops only to get one confirmed cancellation from one of our most reliable members. SGZ Day is my personal nightmare scenario: I turn up at the Dubliner only... Continue Reading →
25/001 Irish Music in Northern Greece
A Happy New Year to anyone reading this. November was a frustrating month. One step forward, two steps back. We have practiced the new material only once. Ken wants us to play on Dec 22nd, but I am unwilling to perform if we are under-rehearsed. Sunday, 5th January 2025. I am happy to report that... Continue Reading →
25/001 Life in Northern Greece
6th January 2025. I drew attention to two femicides towards the end of the year. On Christmas Day, there was a news report of another incident in West Thessaloniki (code for poor and a high percentage of immigrants) where a man from Sierra Leone attacked his wife in front of their three kids. One wonders... Continue Reading →
25/001 Greek Word – γόμος: stuffing
A seasonal word! My mother-in-law comes up with some gems that are used less nowadays. She meant the stuffing I made for the Christmas turkey. The more common word today is γέμιση. It also means the load you would put on a pack animal or a ship’s cargo. My old Crichton dictionary also suggests it’s... Continue Reading →