24/014 Greek Word σηκωτός – dragged/marched off/out/away

24th October 2024: A few days ago, a loud-mouthed, self-promoting cretin, Lidia Thorpe, hurled abuse at Charles III during his first visit to Australia as Head of State. The BBC described her as aboriginal. If Thorpe is aboriginal, then I must be from Outer Mongolia and typing this from my yurt. My guess is that she is no more than 1/16 or 1/32 aboriginal. I must stress that I am no supporter of monarchy, but a member of the Australian senate should make her points about monarchy and colonisation in a manner befitting someone in public office. The upshot of the episode was that she was dragged out of the Canberra Parliament.

In my go-to online newspaper, it translates ‘she was dragged/marched out’ as την πήραν σηκωτή as in the first example below. Three other examples follow.

www.iefimerida.gr Χάος σε εκδήλωση με γερουσιαστή που ούρλιαζε κατά του Καρόλου -Σάστισε ο βασιλιάς, την πήραν σηκωτή

www.news247.gr Ευδοκία Τσαγκλή: Πήραν σηκωτή την επιζήσασα των Τεμπών σε ομιλία του Μητσοτάκη. Evdokia is a survivor of the Tempe rail crash.

www.newsit.gr  Εκλογές ΠΑΣΟΚ: Πήραν σηκωτή την Ελένη Λουκά από την Χαριλάου Τρικούπη. The article begins with a paraphrase of the expression “Όπου γάμος και χαρά η Βασίλω πρώτη” – Όπου γάμος και χαρά η Ελένη η Λουκά. It seems that Eleni is a well-known loudmouth and disruptor. I like the additional definite article η between her first name and surname. It gives the paraphrase a rhythmic quality.

www.parallaximag.gr Γκρέτα Τούνμπεργκ: Την πήραν σηκωτή από την είσοδο του σουηδικού κοινοβουλίου. Greta – I will keep my counsel. Here is the whole article with a short video clip of Greta being dragged away: https://parallaximag.gr/epikairotita/diethni/gkreta-toynmpergk-tin-piran-sikoti-apo-tin-eisodo-toy-soyidikoy-koinovoylioy-vinteo

According to Babiniotis σηκωτός means: αυτός που μεταφέρεται υποβασταζόμενος από άλλους συνήθ. στη ΦΡ. πηγαίνω (κάποιον) με το ζόρι, δια της βίας κάπου. Babiniotis pairs it with the verb πηγαίνω, whereas in the above examples it collocates with παίρνω.

So, while the video clip clearly shows Greta being dragged away, the image in my mind, maybe because of the word’s connection with σηκώνω (= raise or lift), is of protesters being marched out by three or four burly security guards, their feet lifted a few centimetres off the ground while they comically struggle to get them back on the floor.

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