25/002 Irish Music in Northern Greece

12th January. Will today be SGZ Day, Session Ground Zero Day? It is very cold, very wet and very windy. I sent a text to rally the troops only to get one confirmed cancellation from one of our most reliable members. SGZ Day is my personal nightmare scenario: I turn up at the Dubliner only to find myself completely alone!

Well, it turned out to be alright in the end. I picked up Andy and Kathleen, so I knew there would be at least three of us there. In the end, we were eight.  The lack of practice over the Christmas break was apparent. We made such a complete arse of the very easy Another Jig Will Do that we had to play it again slowly and then give it another go!

There was also a new polka set that we gave a quick practice run-through before doing it properly. That turned out to be a wise move. Maybe we should do it more often.

Despite the above glitches, the rest of the session went well. Thanks to Manos, Andy, Kathleen, Giannis, Panos, Dinos and Ersilia for making it a very enjoyable session.

Here is an upload to YouTube: Contentment Is Wealth/The Eavesdropper

Not our best but it captures the liveliness of the pub.

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