λαμαρίνα = sheet metal. Though the dictionaries don’t tell you, λαμαρίνα also refers to the bodywork of a car.
Most of the words I choose tend to be words that I have heard. Λαμαρίνα is one of the few exceptions. I was watching a Norwegian series called ‘Accused’. As the series was on Nova on Demand, the default subtitles were in Greek. I’m coping reasonably well hearing things in Norwegian while reading Greek, but I was flummoxed when I read λαμαρίνα in a context that bore no relation to sheet metal, let alone the plot. What I heard was:
δαγκώνω τη λαμαρίνα – literally ‘to bite the metal’ — = ‘to fall head over heels in love with someone’. From www.slang.gr we get this example: “Ναι, την έχει δαγκώσει την λαμαρίνα, μας βλέπω να ‘χουμε αρραβώνες σύντομα.” which means “Yes, he’s crazy about her, I think we’ll be having an engagement party soon.”
Finally, δαγκώνω τη λαμαρίνα is not to be confused with τρώω το σίδερο – literally ‘to eat iron’ = ‘to move hell and high water’ or ‘to move heaven an earth’.