Greek Word 01/2022

αναμνηστική = a booster injection. αναμνηστικός/ή/ό is an adjective which means ‘commemorative’, but αναμνηστική [δόση is understood] seems to be the favourite word currently for a booster injection. I have been unable to find out how it has come to mean booster. You can also say επαναληπτική, which makes more sense as it means ‘repeat’. And, if you want to keep things simple, τρίτη δόση will do. While we’re here, let’s go over some of the Covid vocabulary.

First, a hybrid word that’s not in any dictionary: covidόσπιτο – covid hut. At clinics, covid samples are taken outside where tents, Nissen huts etc have been set up for the purpose. It’s the word used at my friendly molecular biologist’s diagnostic centre. You can bet there will be variants of the word at other diagnostic centres.

ιός = virus

κορονοϊός or κορωνοϊός = Corona virus. Certain clues can help you determine the political leanings of a newspaper. Kορωνοϊός provides once such clue. The unnecessary use of the ω suggests that the newspaper is right of centre.

εμβολιασμός= vaccination

εμβόλιο = vaccine

εμβολιάζω = vaccinate

εμβολιασμένος = vaccinated

ανεμβολίαστος = unvaccinated

αντιεμβολιαστής = anti-vaxxer (and there are plenty of them in the GUN, the Great Unvaccinated North).

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