Greek Word 15/2022

Διπλοκούρσα or διπλή κούρσα = the practice of taxi drivers taking additional passengers/fares, the additional fares not being metered.

I cannot remember the details, nor can I find anything online, but sometime during the first PASOK administration (1981-85), there was a big change which affected taxi drivers. Until the change, I think anybody could paint his car blue or yellow, stick a meter in it and operate as a taxi-driver. I also think the number plates did not differ from those of private cars. Overnight it changed. Taxi-drivers had to register for new taxi-specific plates. I do not know if being a member of the clientelist PASOK helped speed up the process. The effect was immediate. Suddenly taxis were in short supply and the διπλοκούρσα became a rampant reality.

You’d be sitting in the back seats with a friend, then the taxi would slow down, the driver would lower the window and ask people on the pavement where they wanted to go. If it was roughly in the same direction, they would enter the taxi. If the additional passengers got off before you, they would pay an approximation of the fare (κόμιστρο). On arriving at your destination, you would pay the fare on the meter, so the driver pocketed, tax-free, the unmetered fare.

In the article below, the report opens with:

Συνεχίζει ακάθεκτη η πρακτική ορισμένων οδηγών ταξί να επιβιβάζουν στο όχημα δύο ή περισσότερους πελάτες που επιθυμούν να μετακινηθούν σε συναφείς προορισμούς, ώστε να αποκομίσουν μεγαλύτερα κέρδη. Είναι, όμως, η «διπλοκούρσα» νόμιμη;

The unremitting practice of some taxi-drivers picking up two or more additional passengers going to destinations close to one another continues. Drivers do this to increase their profits. However, is the «διπλοκούρσα» legal?

What a fatuous question! For a start, are the additional passengers insured if there is an accident? Secondly, taking unmetered fares is tax fraud. Yet the article suggests one previous government minister was sympathetic to the practice though it remains illegal. Anyway, here is the article: m-sta-taxi-poso-nomimi-einai

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