Irish Music (un)Episode #7

Maybe I should coin a new word – “unepisode” – because nothing is happening. Could “απεισόδιο” exist in Greek as the opposite of επεισόδιο?? Moreover, virus or no virus, it seems that the idea of establishing a session in the Thessaloniki area is going to be a non-starter for the foreseeable future.  One other setback is that Riley’s Irish Bar in Peraia has closed for good. It is a pity because the manager/owner, Rob Riley, seemed such a nice guy.  Because of illness, surgery and then the compulsory closure of bars and restaurants, regrettably we failed to play there. We were hoping to give the bar a boost. That didn’t happen and the enforced closure has killed it off.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot of free time. And this freedom has given me the chance to look at material we (Folk U2) have done over the years. I have been tinkering with existing sets as well as adding new ones.  I have drafted a new playlist where roughly 50% of the content is either new or modified. We’ll see how the rest of the band reacts! Admittedly, they have been very good-natured about anything thrown at them including the very unIrish Polka de l’Ours (Bear’s Polka)

A friend set up a fake name, email and Facebook account for me. I hate FB and all that it stands for but I wanted to tune into a concert given by a fiddler called Clare Sands as part of Europe Week. As Angelina Jolie once said, it was “angering”. Clare was a New Age bullshitter. When you see someone with an ankle bracelet made of sea shells round her booted right leg you know you’re going to be subjected to shite, but don’t let me influence you:

What was further infuriating was the fact that it was broadcast from Clare where we have sufficient talent of our own. Compare the above with Clare’s Yvonne Casey:

The prosecution rests.

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