Life in Northern Greece 06/2022

In GW 05/2022 and LinNG 05/2022 I referred to the murder of Alkis Kambanos, an Aris supporter who was killed, it seems, by rival PAOK fans. Alkis was stabbed in the buttocks. At the time I wondered if there was a ritualistic element to this. The answer is yes and no. The ‘no’ is the practical side. If you stab someone in the buttocks or rear thigh, it is likely to inflict less damage than a stab wound in the torso. The hooligan is likely to be charged with ABH (Actual Bodily Harm) rather than GBH (Grievous Bodily Harm), and if found guilty, he will get a lighter sentence. However, the speed of the chase can cause things to go seriously wrong as they did in Alkis’s case where, I believe, his femoral artery was cut.

The ritualistic element is that if you are the unfortunate ‘recipient’ of a stab wound in your rear, it means you ran away from the field of battle. It doesn’t matter if you are outnumbered four to one or if the enemy was wielding a knife or a sickle (yes, a sickle was used in Alkis’s murder), you will forever be branded a coward, a shitebag (as the say in Glasgow) or ένας χέστης here in Greece. I won’t say any more about this or the (previously referred to) rape case until they go to trial.

I also discussed ‘unofficial supporters clubs’ in GW 05/2022. It seems the Greek police have clamped down on these. Dozens have been closed permanently and all have been shut down until July. Greek Reporter covers the story here:

Unfortunately, I have to stay on the topic of murder, specifically femicide.  A 69-year-old man murdered his 79-year-old American wife in Ioannina. It seems that no weapons were used. He just literally punched the living daylights out of the poor woman. The following article covers the story. The author discusses other instances and wants uxoricide/femicide on the statute books as a crime.

There is a need for something to be done. The average femicide rate has climbed from eleven to seventeen per annum. Was lockdown a factor in this increase? And we have to ask ourselves this: for every murdered woman, how many are hospitalised? And for every hospitalised woman, how many are beaten but do not seek hospital treatment? And how many women are slapped around? It’s a pyramid of violence.

Last week I received good health news, so how does one celebrate? By going to The Dubliner, downing three pints of the black stuff and devouring a big plate of nachos. It’s a beautiful bar, and Ken, the manager/proprietor has ploughed a lot of money into it. I salute his courage and the courage of others who have survived in the era of lockdowns.  The bar/restaurant business has really suffered over the past two years. How restaurant owners must be wishing they had opened a food store instead! Lockdowns, no standing, no music, music but no singing, six to a table, social distancing, threats of closure. It’s been a nightmare. has written that many owners are selling up at bargain prices, several at well under €10,000. One café in Voulgari was up for sale at under €1,000 but the buyer would have to take on its four employees.

Finally, although Greece is hedging its bets, I think the days of lockdown have come to an end. As in other countries, the talk is about moving from the epidemic to the endemic phase and learning to live with Covid. Certainly, in a country that relies so much on tourism, restrictions will be at a minimum until October.

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