Greek Word 23/2021

ψεκασμένος – psekazmenos – literally “sprayed” from the verb ψεκάζω. By extension, a conspiracy theorist. A frequent sight during Greek summers is the yellow aircraft with red tips on their way to fight another forest fire. Inevitably, there are those who believe that more than fire retardants are being sprayed from the skies. Anything from... Continue Reading →

Greek Word 22/2021

ντελιβεράς – deliveras – a delivery person A couple of weeks ago, a friend visited us quite late, so we ordered pizza. When the order arrived, the delivery ‘boy’ turned out to be a man in his fifties. More on this below. The Greek purists will be up in arms over yet another borrowing from... Continue Reading →

Greek Word 21/2021

As an addendum to my Greek Word 19/2021, γυναικοκτονία, it saddens me to report that yet another woman has been murdered by her ex. This time in Crete. Anyway, my latest choice is: κιοτεύω – kiotevo – to shrink from, to balk at, to be cowardly or to behave in a cowardly way. It was... Continue Reading →

Greek Word 20/2021

γούβα – ghouva – a hole, depression or sinkhole. Last week it rained most of the time. It does not take long for the roads, even main roads, to fill up with water. The incident in the article below happened on Ethnikis Antistaseos (National Resistance Street) the main east-west artery if you are driving into... Continue Reading →

Greek Word 19/2021

γυναικοκτονία – yinekoktonia – the killing of women: femicide, feminicide or uxoricide. A depressing choice of word chosen only because the word has been used a lot in the Greek media recently. Why? Because, in the past nine months, thirteen women have been killed by their partners or ex-partners. Of the three English words above,... Continue Reading →

Greek Word 18/2021

τσουμπλέκι – tsubleki. A large earthenware pot. It seems to come from the Turkish çömlek Tσουμπλέκι can also refer to a style of cooking where the vessel becomes synonymous with the food that is cooked in it, much like our use of, for example, chicken casserole. In fact, there are a few mouth-watering recipes online... Continue Reading →

Greek Word 17/2021

Δεκατιανό - dhekatiano. The clue is in the first two syllables. I started a diet a couple of weeks ago. My second meal of the day is called a δεκατιανό. For me it consists of either a yoghurt (2%) or porridge. Word Reference mistakenly translates it as ‘brunch’ (though it gives "elevenses" if you scroll... Continue Reading →

Greek Word 16/2021

μπερμπάντης – berbandis, plural μπερμπάντηδες, from the Italian birbante. The etymology was a bit of a surprise as I was expecting it to be another Turkish loan word. At the end of last week Akis Tsochatzopoulos died. He was a huge figure in PASOK from the early 80s until the mid 90s. There were good... Continue Reading →

Irish Music Scene & Life in Northern Greece 16/2021

The dominant stories in Greece are forest fires and Covid. Covid cases are increasing. The table below shows figures for the beginning and end of August. Date (24 hours leading up to 3pm on)New CasesDeathsIntubated2 – August - 212,156818827 – August - 213,0762233728 – August - 213,0643533330 – August – 21*2,34319338 Numbers are generally lower... Continue Reading →

Greek Word 15/2021

τζίτζικας [tzitzikas], an alternative form of τζιτζίκι = a cicada. A quick entry this week. We are currently experiencing the hottest temperatures since 1987. It’s over 40oC in some places. Getting into my car the other day reminded me of summers in Saudi Arabia. As I write, forest fires are raging around a town called... Continue Reading →

Greek Word 14/2021

γούνα [ghouna] = fur or fur coat. From Late Latin/Early Italian gunna One of the problems of looking up a Greek word or expression is that it is like getting lost in YouTube. You want to see an excerpt from your favourite comedy or listen to a song, only for five minutes to turn into... Continue Reading →

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